Wow. Today was packed with goodness and it all surrounded the Sea of Galilee. Where to start? Well, we left Nazareth and traveled to the Mount of Beatitudes. We had Mass at the site where our Lord preached his most famous sermon. The gardens at this place were beautiful and it was amazing to see such a variety of flowers in January.
We next went to the site where Jesus multiplied the loaves and the fishes. It was a good reminder to a bunch of future priests that God can do a lot with very little.
Near this Church was another site where Jesus appeared to his apostles on the shore and gave Peter the threefold command to feed the sheep. A depiction of this scene is in our Seminary chapel so it was awesome to be right by the water of the Lake.
Finally, we went to Capernaum which was Jesus' home base during his public ministry. Many events from the Gospels took place here including the bread of life discourse of John 6. As you can imagine, there was a lot of material for prayer today.
God bless!
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"Qui manducat hunc panem, vivet in aeternum." Haec dixit in synagoga docens, in Capharnaum. (Jo. 6:60)