Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Day 19 - Pool of Bethesda and Herod's Citadel

Ruins of the Churches built over the Pool of Bethesda

After a week of unseasonably good weather, our luck ran out today. It was windy and overcast, and the threat of cold rain is still imminent. Nonetheless we soldiered out into our comfy, heated bus and drove to the east side of the city. There we visited the Pool of Bethesda (Jn 5:2) where Jesus commanded the lame man to pick up his mat and walk. It was much bigger than any of us expected. Much of it was still underground, but in Jesus' day it was almost the size of football field.

Next we visited the Tower of David, which is the original location of King Herod's palace. There is debate among scholars as to whether Pilate tried Jesus at the Fortress Antonia (next to the temple) or at this ancient fortress (across town from the temple). Either way, Jesus was brought there for his meeting with Herod on Good Friday.

Sweet Micky D's

Sensing the effect the gloomy weather was having on us, Fr. Zilverburg took us to visit the American Embassy... McDonald's! Most of us ordered the Israeli version of the Big Mac, the Big  American.

We ended the day by visiting the famous Dead Sea Scrolls and a giant model of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus. (I'd be lying if I said we didn't all feel like some sort of Biblical Godzilla looking down at tiny ant people!)

God bless!

Posted via Blogaway

1 comment:

  1. You guys are in the epicenter of excellent Middle Eastern food and you eat at McDonalds?! Go get some falafel and be happy it's not snowing.
